The PastWiew web interface provides transition maps of ancestral annotations from the combination of a phylogenetic tree with extrinsic traits. A transition is a change in ancestral annotation between subsequent nodes of a rooted phylogenic tree (Top-Down reading). A summary view of all transitions observed in the tree is called a transition map. Transitions maps are used to decipher evolutionary scenarios in various research fields such as phylogeography, epidemiology, and ecology. PastView is also available publicly as a standalone software on

Input data (tree and annotations) by file selection. Trees to be analysed need to be in Newick format. Trees must be rooted with care (or midpoint rooted) and contain branch lengths. Annotations to be analysed need to be formatted as CSV (Coma Separated Values). The first row contains the names of the variables to be analysed. The first variable (first column) should be the tip labels (case sensitive). Download dataset examples (right click, then "Save as..."): Example 1 HIV-1A (Salemi et al., 2008) Example 2 Dengue (Walimbe et al., 2014)
Model for computing ancestral annotations: f81 joint
Priors: equiprobability tree frequency
Transition map layout: full compression 1 compression 2
Colors setting mode for annotations: linear hierarchic